Building Institutional Capacity of PEN

Enhancing institutional effectiveness will aim at making PEN a better and more effective organization that strengthens community voice and agency in building responsive and empowered communities. Over the years that PEN has been existence, it has evolved through continuous innovation and growth. However, the context has been evolving with the civic space becoming more authoritarian and with the global environment also marred with its own complexity and disruptions. In order for PEN to respond more effectively to community development needs, changing policy and political contexts as well as other dynamics, PEN will need to build upon fundamental organizational building blocks like investing in people, systems, tools and processes while leveraging strategic partnerships.

Another important aspect of the institutional development pillar will be the focus of PEN organization improvement. The demands from the programing landscape means PEN will have to be more agile, give new capacities to staff to develop and deliver more on integrated programmes.

Strategic goal: To strengthen and enhance PEN’s sustainability and ability to deliver on its development mandate more effectively and efficiently.

Under this strategic goal, the key interventions will include: 


Improving its staffing numbers, skills and compensation to the current market rates.

Increasing its resourcing through expanded fundraising, collaboration, endowment and other forms of income generating activities.
Strengthening Institutional Leadership through recruitment of new board members and the transition of those whose terms have ended. This also involves having clear succession plans for the management.
Building PEN’s Research, Knowledge Management and Communication capacity to ensure it becomes a learning organization able to build on its past successes and to fully engage its stakeholders.
Adopting technology as a way of improving PEN’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Indicators of success


Diversified funding sources


Improved staff and leadership performance


Enhanced governance and planned leadership transitions


PEN Research Hub

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